Telecom Service Management

Proper telecom service management ensures all phases of telecommunications delivery, troubleshooting and inventory management work together efficiently and effectively.
<a href="/tem-lifecycle-management/service-management/">Telecom Service Management</a>

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Telecom Service Management is critical to discover and maintain accurate inventory records, field requests to MACDs and respond to service outages. Call now!

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What Is Telecom Services Management?

Telecom Service Management promotes a higher quality of overall service. This process often requires several departments to collaborate for accurate control of both assets and expenses. The result is a company saving time, money and resources in a more productive telecommunications environment.

a man holding a graphic with information about inventory management

At Cost Management Group (CMG), we have over two decades of experience bringing all these elements together. We have developed our programs to meet increasing demands for telecom expense management. Our systems result in cost controls, higher visibility and reduction of wasteful spending.

CMG’s service management process focuses on three main areas:

Service Inventory Management
We will help document all existing inventory and determine the necessary items for an efficient operation.

Service Delivery
CMG’s software will ensure all vendors furnish the necessary services, from installation to activation to completion.

Trouble Management
Our service enables a rapid response to service affecting issues. Integrating these areas results in a unified process that provides push updates, control points and critical milestones.

Telecom Inventory Management

The first step in creating effective service management is to document a current, detailed telecommunications inventory. This includes telecommunications functions from wireless devices to circuits to telephone lines. Once documented, it’s critical to maintain an accurate inventory.

CMG’s programs facilitate the entire inventory process. Our software will allow your company to:

  • Have full inventory access at its fingertips.
  • Organize and update data.
  • Associate items with the people, groups, or departments using them.
  • Track telecom orders, changes and disconnects.
  • Additionally, a successful inventory management program will identify any unused or outdated devices ensuring only items which are necessary for your company’s operation remain active. Obsolete or unwanted inventory often means extra expenses in billing.

We design our programs to simplify the process, removing all the heavy lifting needed to maintain an accurate inventory.

an employee taking TEM inventory

Telecom Service Delivery

Managing service MACDs (Move, Add, Change or Disconnects) are critical components of expense management. Like your business, your telecommunications environment is consistently in flux. Our system includes an integrated service delivery solution to track all service changes and their related expenses.

From managing invoices to purchasing equipment to negotiating contracts, tracking these activities under a single umbrella can be challenging. By recording and tracking MACDs, we’ll help your business see an up-to-date, clear picture of the telecom environment, reducing the expenses that come with any inaccuracies. Through maintaining this accuracy, your company will position itself to operate more efficiently as a unit and save more money on a year-to-year basis.

Contact Cost Management Group Today

CMG works with small- to large-scale enterprise businesses in many industries to effectively manage their critical telecommunication areas. Since 1998, we have established ourselves as a telecom expense management leader with a proven track record of saving valuable time and money for the organizations we serve. For more information about how we can help you with your telecommunication lifecycle management, contact us today.